
Showing posts from August, 2017

The divoritive.

“Hi my name is nick I like playing basketball and video games and running and sometimes reading books” and one day he was making hut under his bed with his cat gaspa and he found a secret door way with a staircase and his dad was never around since he got that gob that he never told nick about. his dad was a secret spy agent the secret company was the organization and there was a secret bad side called the other side the head of the other side was zane johnson aka doctor evil and his second hand man is devoritive aka the head of the organization the devoritive is nick's dad nick's dad was in the army for eighteen years and got shot in the leg with a deagle a deagle is a pistol a big pistol he had to handle it for a long hour. The organization captured doctor evil. and nick found a button in the secret staircase that made the wall turn around and on the other side of the wall was a gun a big gun and some other guns to. “Thats so epic”nick said, then people came with guns

running day

Running as fast as i can around the school trying to catch up to my friends. huffing and puffing all the time and  thinking man I wish I was Tom so I could come first all time. My teacher teacher cat said "you came tenth cross the line"yeahhhhhhhh

Taniwha and turituri


Cart wheel spider.

3.4.17 My writing. Last week i searched up the golden wheel spider Aka the cart wheel spider the golden wheel spider gets there name from the the way they get away from predators and also they live in the sands of Danes Namibia. These strange little spiders is a member of the huntsman spider family and can also grow up to about 2cm long. Golden wheel spiders don't build nests,but come out at night to hunt little insects . The most venomous spider and toxic spider in the world is the brazilian wandering spider in the world. New zealand is home to about 2500 kinds of spiders. Question what is the biggest spider in the world…….